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With the carefully composed, elaborate exercises, Rob van Dijk allows you to begin immediately.
The goal of the exercises and complete training sessions that have been put together is to bring young goalkeepers to a higher level of performance. Many of the exercises are also suitable for senior goalkeepers aswell.
The exercises are equipped with a detailed explanation, variations, points of focus and a clear drawing. With all exercises you can watch video footage to get an even better picture of the exercise or training in question.
Whether you want to work with your goalkeepers for half an hour, an hour or an hour and a half, there are options for you to do this. Through the filtering function on the website, you decide which part of goalkeeping you want to train with your goalkeepers. You can compose your own training sessions or you can directly download, print or view complete training sessions of about 60 minutes on your cellphone or tablet on the training field.
Draw and describe your own goalie drills too!
Easily create the most beautiful drawings of your own drills with our drawing software. Add a description and points of focus. Save your own exercises and create your own database!
This way you can combine for your goalkeeper training your own exercises with exercises from is the one and only online goalkeeper training website, indispensable for clubs and individual goalkeeper trainers. The exercises and training sessions help goalkeepers every training to achieve a higher skill level. Moreover, the personal development and internal and external scouting program ensures that goalkeepers can be trained in a targeted and effective way.
Do you, as goalkeeper trainer, also want to get on the field quickly, easily and with a good training session?
You or your club can also become a member! Send an email to and ask about the possibilities and prices. You can also check out the tab subscribe on the homepage for more information.