Preparing the training session
A high level goalie training session for your goalkeepers, starts with preparing the activities or exercises you want to use. After you found or created those exercises, you can set up the best possible practice organization.
On our website , you can, for example, choose goalkeeper level A, B and C. Therefore we offer every goalie coach who steps on the field with goalkeepers the opportunity to always use a complete, well organized and level appropriate training session.

Easy search for the right goalie training activities fully developed goalie training activities, accompanied with graphics and a video, to make sure that you step on the field fully prepared.
In addition, you have the possibility to filter out the seven main topics of goalkeeper training:
- Building Up
- Balls from the Flanks
- Shots on Goal
- Through Balls
- Footwork
- Warming Up
- Games
B3.37 Footwork (stepping sideways), diving. 3/4 goalkeepers
Dynamic goalkeeping exercise that contains many goalie skills. In the exercise you practice the throwing and kicking technique as well as the catching technique. In addition, the goalkeeper improves his coordination and agility embedded in the footwork. An exercise for youth as well as senior goalkeepers. Including illustration, description, video and PDF
A3.53 Through ball, field play + shot at goal. 3/4 goalkeepers
This goalkeeping drill improves decision-making ability for the through or deep ball. Stay on your feet, go for the ball in one go or set a block? An exercise for youth as well as senior goalkeepers. Including illustration, description, video and PDF
C1.3 Attacking the ball. 2 goalkeepers
Great goalkeeping exercise to do with young goalkeepers. In addition to improve the catching technique, goalkeepers learn to be attentive and alert. They have to react quickly when the situation changes and they have to attack the ball.
Including illustration, description, video and PDF

More information and questions?
Watch the video to find out how can help you take your training sessions to a higher level!
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