Rob van Dijk — Twenty years of experience in professional soccer

"Get the most out of your goalkeepers with training sessions created by a professional"

  • Create training sessions from over 700 exercises
  • Detailed videos and animations
  • Draw and create your own exercises
  • With a lively community where members can share exercises is a website specially created for goalkeeper trainers. The website contains more than 700 exercises and 250 training sessions with attached videos. You get access to animations, basic techniques videos, our drawing software and the Community. This video shows some different sections and features of the website.

Watch the promotional video How do I join?

Are you currently a goalkeeper trainer looking for inspiration, variation and structure in the trainings, without losing the fun of it all? Than this is definitely something for you!

Complete training sessions and lot’s more... For every level and every age.
Make use of 700+ exercises to put together your goalkeeper training. The exercises are prepared and described in detail with a clear drawing and a video. Or...
draw and describe your own exercises and make a combination!
In short, in no time you’ll be standing on the field with a good organisation and detailed training sessions. brings your goal keepers skills to the next level!
Watch the video above to learn more.

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Create and share your own drills in the Community

For your goalkeeper training you can of course use our database. Which is full of individual exercises and complete training sessions. But that's not all, you can also use our drawing software to design, describe and save your own drills. Easily create professional-quality drawings of your exercises or develop entirely new ones. Save them well organized and build your personalized database. Additionally, you have the option to share your drills with all other subscribers of Watch the video for an impression!

Watch the video How to become a member?

What is is a handy tool for clubs and individual goalkeeper trainers. Besides structure and variation in exercises the trainer recieves the opportunity to develop personal skills. (On their own terms)

Using the exercises from the goalkeepers learn the different aspects of goalkeeping. It brings goalkeepers to a higher level and assures pleasure, which encourages productive training. Most importantly the exercises and training sessions on the website are designed to be combined with the teams vision and the vision of the trainers themselves. 
More information? Click here! 



Do you have any questions as a goalkeeper trainer or on behalf of your team?
About exercises/ training sessions on or other matters?

Please send an email to